A few years ago Jason and I spent our first Christmas in our own home and decided that for us, Christmas is perfect that way. Yes, I want family around, but having family come to us is so much easier with all our kids! And I think each family gets to a point where Christmas is best with their own traditions and home.
Making Santa his cookies
This Christmas was GREAT. My parents, sister, brother-in-law and their twin boys came for the holidays. We were packed, but had a wonderful time together.
My kids had a super fun time playing with their cousins every day, making treats, staying up late, playing the WII with Aunt Jocey, (having some serious competition), and just spending time with everyone. I love the magic of Christmas.
The elves came on Christmas Eve and brought everyone pj's. Jason marked my box, "To: Mommy From: Daddy". Jackson read the box and was pretty confused. We're going to have to start being more careful with him around.
Other than a day of the horrid stomach bug, (I will never eat PotBelly's again), I felt great. Poor little Noah caught it and so did my Dad. And it wiped us out. I was so happy Jason had those days that I was sick off of work. He saved me from having to do anything!!!!
My mom and I made the big Christmas Eve dinner and I do have to say. . . it was DELICIOUS!! My mom's orange rolls were everything I was waiting for. Even little Carson thought he had died and gone to heaven. (The food seriously was a highlight of the Christmas holidays). :)
Christmas morning was filled with lots of fun and excitement. Santa pulled through and managed to get everything they asked for. Although Jackson reminded me that he forgot the stencils. Santa's not perfect!!!! My mom got Ellie a cosmetic container full of make-up and I think that was the best part of Christmas for her. It was all she wanted to do. I have since had to bag it up and hide it.
Happy New Year to all!!!
I'm sad it is already over! I LOVE the holidays, and agree it is so much fun to be home with the family. Glad you all had fun, now we need to get together. :)
I am seriously laughing hard that your mom got Ellie makeup. After that post of her using yours, I guess she needed it. That smile is awesome. you're a mean mommy for hiding it. :)
I am seriously laughing hard that your mom got Ellie makeup. After that post of her using yours, I guess she needed it. That smile is awesome. you're a mean mommy for hiding it. :)
wait, I was going to post it 3 times. What happened.
Like Rachel, I thought it was very funny that your mom got Ellie makeup too. I bet she was in heaven though-while the fun lasted.
My mom got Gwen makeup too. She was so excited. It has mysteriously disappeared since the day after Christmas....hmm? I wonder where it went?
When will you show pics of you sweet growing belly? Your Christmas sounded so fun! Check out my Argentine pics...anything look familiar?
Oh she is totally your first girl isn't she? Sophie got all that girly girl stuff (ie- makeup for her 2nd birthday)....Molly- she gets nothing. In fact, I think she only got 2 gifts this year. Shhh......don't tell her- she never noticed! My poor house full of 4 girls! Fun for you to have 2 now!! :)
Christmas looked like fun, of course, at your house. somebody, hopefully soon, we can all be back together again- and play christmas with our kiddos.
Have a wonderful 2010!
Dude -
What? I must have missed it. Welp... congrats. And you make beautiful kiddos.
I bet you and Ellie are beyond excited.
this news {new to me} is very exciting.
I totally agree about having Christmas at home... I never thought I would be that way until I was forced (baby coming... lack of money) and now I'll never go back. You had a great day I can tell, the smiles on the kids faces says it all.
Christmas is definitely more exciting when the house is packed with family! So lucky! I think that ellie now officially has more makeup than I do (she at least has more make-up brushes than I do, maybe she will loan me some).
I am trying to lose weight so I am a bit obsessive about food and all I can think about now are your mom's orange rolls- yum!!! I need some, stat.
oh, and those little twin nephews of yours are cute, cute, cute.
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