9 MONTHS: January 7, 2010 was his appointment
Weight: 21 lbs (51%)
Height: 29 inches (80%)
Head: 18 inches (97%)
1 YEAR: March 29, 2010 was his appointment
Weight: 21lbs. (29%)
Height: 31 inches (80%)
Head: 19 inches (94%)Back in January when Carson had his 9 month well child exam, the doctor heard a little heart murmur. She also found a little ear infection and thought the murmur could be something to do with the ear infection. So we took the antibiotics to clear up the ear and I was supposed to go back for a check on the heart in a month. I blew it. Totally forgot to go back.
So yesterday was his 1 year well child exam and she checked his ears again. All clear. But then she said, "He still has the heart murmur. I'd like to send him to a pediatric cardiologist just to be sure."
Sure of what?????
She said he is most likely fine and the murmur will go away in time. But there is a chance that it won't and could be something more. And if anyone noticed, Carson didn't gain weight from January 7th, to March 29th. The heart murmur could have something to do with that. Anyone that has been around little Carson knows the boy can EAT! He's bottomless. So I am concerned that he hasn't gained any weight in almost 2 months.
I called the cardiologist and we got an appointment for tomorrow morning. I'm sure he is fine, but the no weight gain is strange. Although he is a bit more active these days.
I'll let you know how the appointment goes tomorrow.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Posted by
9:44 AM
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Playing catch up
I have a couple things I need to get up here.
Carson's FIRST birthday.
A trip to San Diego WITHOUT kids.
First, Carson turned the big ONE on March 18th. We spent the day going to the Toledo Zoo with some of our friends and had a great time. We had a week of gorgeous weather and took full advantage of it.By the time we all got back home from the zoo, it was getting late. I hurried and made a cake, made dinner and sent kids upstairs for showers and baths. When Carson was all bathed, Jason brought him downstairs, put him on the counter next to his cake, we took some pictures of him. . . DIVING for it, and then I let him touch it. He didn't like the feel of it. And then we sent him off to bed. :) Just remember. . . he has NO CLUE. I am not a big birthday girl for one year olds. I think they are fun, cute and if I had any extra energy, I might actually do one for my kids. But I don't see that happening in the near future, so for now, their first birthdays are pretty lame. But I do let them have cake. At least I meant to let Carson. It was just so late.
So, the rest of the kids came downstairs and we all sang "Happy Birthday Dear Carson" and ate the cake. It was delicious. Happy Birthday buddy!!
Then the trip to San Diego.
Jason had a medical conference there so we decided to go. My in-laws flew out to take the kids for the week and judging by the SAD Ellie when her Grandma left for the airport, I think it is safe to say my kids had a seriously fun week. Ellie cried the whole way home from the airport.
Anyway, San Diego was everything I remembered. The weather was GORGEOUS, the food was yummy and the shopping was great.
We mostly did just that. Eat, shop, and walk around the beaches.We got in on Sunday and just went to Poway to check out my old stomping grounds. I loved it. Then we ate at Oscars. Yum. Then we went to the movies. We saw the Blind Side and that is probably one of my all time favorite movies. ALL TIME!
Monday we went to breakfast at Richard Walkers and it was DELICIOUS!!! If you are ever where there is one of those. . . GO. You won't be disappointed. We went shopping for awhile and I found the cutest little clothing store for kids. It's called Peek . . .aren't you curious. We bought a few things for the kids and I had to get out of there.
For lunch we drove to Ocean Beach. And while it's a bit of a ghetto place to go . . creepy people there, a friend recommend this great hamburger, fries and shakes place to eat at. Hodad's. So we thought it was worth the weirdos. And it was. It was so good. Totally sketchy when you look at it, but worth it. I mean. . . check out that shake. The one day Jason actually went to a meeting was on Tuesday morning. I ended up going to the San Diego Temple and it was so nice. I ran into an old friend from the ward I grew up in and it was fun getting all caught up. I actually ended up running into her son who was a good friend of mine growing up. . . in Costco. Yep, you read that right. We went to Costco. And I of course found some things I had to have. :)
Later that day Jason and I drove to Lancaster where his sister Megan, husband Robbie and 2 little girls live. And while Lancaster is not a destination that anyone would actually want to travel to. . . we had a GREAT time with them. I loved seeing my nieces and getting the chance to bribe them into loving me with treats and gum. Whatever it takes!!!!! We can't wait to actually live closer to them.
Wednesday was also a super fun day. We went to Coronado Island for breakfast and then to Old Town. I thought Jason needed to see it. (Mostly so we could eat some seriously good Mexican food). Mission accomplished.
The Mormon Battalion Visitors Center is there and was just redone. It was probably one of my favorite parts of the trip. I even volunteered Jason to dress up as a Mormon solider. Ahhh, totally out of his comfort zone. :)We met up with some old friends for dinner that night and it was so fun. I grew up with Krissy, we roomed together at college, traveled to Israel and Europe together, and she ended up marrying one of our good friends from RICKS. So, it was a great reunion for me.
Thursday we came home. Sad. But I was missing the kids and dying to see them.
Thanks Larry and Judy for taking the time to watch our kids. The kids had a FABULOUS time with their grandparents and Jason and I had the perfect little get away.
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4:33 PM
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Time for bed
Tonight was enrichment. I am on the committee. Jason had to work. We have 4 kids. What was I going to do?
A good friend here let me drop my kids off at her house for her husband to watch and off we went to Relief Society. Thank you Chris. Both of my boys remembered you in their prayers tonight.
After enrichment, I dropped off my friend and ran inside to pick up my kids. I sent Jackson, Noah, and Ellie to the car and I went upstairs to get Carson out of his portable crib. I was telling the older kids to be quiet so that Carson would go right back to sleep.
And apparently I was saying it in such a firm voice that as I was loading Carson in and said, "Please be quiet!!!". . . .
Jackson said to me, "Well, it sounds like you need to go straight to bed too."
I laughed hard under my breath and got in the car. :)
Then we all hurried in, got our pj's on and Jackson said to me, "Why were you telling me to hurry?"
I said, "Because it is late and I want to go to bed. I'm tired."
And he said, "Well, I can tell you're tired because you're talking so sassy."
He speaks the truth. And he made me laugh! I'm TIRED!!!
Me + tired + 31 weeks pregnant + being alone = SASSY!!
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9:07 PM