9 MONTHS: January 7, 2010 was his appointment
Weight: 21 lbs (51%)
Height: 29 inches (80%)
Head: 18 inches (97%)
1 YEAR: March 29, 2010 was his appointment
Weight: 21lbs. (29%)
Height: 31 inches (80%)
Head: 19 inches (94%)Back in January when Carson had his 9 month well child exam, the doctor heard a little heart murmur. She also found a little ear infection and thought the murmur could be something to do with the ear infection. So we took the antibiotics to clear up the ear and I was supposed to go back for a check on the heart in a month. I blew it. Totally forgot to go back.
So yesterday was his 1 year well child exam and she checked his ears again. All clear. But then she said, "He still has the heart murmur. I'd like to send him to a pediatric cardiologist just to be sure."
Sure of what?????
She said he is most likely fine and the murmur will go away in time. But there is a chance that it won't and could be something more. And if anyone noticed, Carson didn't gain weight from January 7th, to March 29th. The heart murmur could have something to do with that. Anyone that has been around little Carson knows the boy can EAT! He's bottomless. So I am concerned that he hasn't gained any weight in almost 2 months.
I called the cardiologist and we got an appointment for tomorrow morning. I'm sure he is fine, but the no weight gain is strange. Although he is a bit more active these days.
I'll let you know how the appointment goes tomorrow.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Posted by
9:44 AM
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Good luck. he is a beautiful boy.
he is so darling jana! good luck at the doctor i hope everything goes ok :)
Claire had a heart murmur when she was around 18 months-2 years. The doctor said it was common for young kids to have heart murmurs but sent me to a specialist to make sure it was okay. And it was.
I hope everything goes okay tomorrow at the doctors and little Carson gets a clean bill of health.
Good luck with the appointment. You and carson will be in my thoughts. Brooke's comment is comforting! Carson is such a darling little boy and I can't wait to meet him.
Oliver also had a heart murmur...but it has gone away. He also didn't gain any weight or grow...for about a year, from one to two. But he is starting to get going again...when we checked Ben's stats as a baby they were about the same.
I hope Carson is okay...hopefully he will just grow out of it :)
Keely and Ben both had heart murmurs, I think they're not that uncommon. Everything was fine with both. I know you worry about everything as a parent, but don't stress too much, I'm sure cute little happy Carson is healthy as can be!
keep us posted. I hope all is well.
How did the dr go? Happy Birthday.
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