May 14, 2010
8 lbs. 4 oz
20 1/4 inches
Last Saturday I was sure I was in labor so I called my friend Michelle to come over while Jason and I went to the hospital. One hour later we were back at home. NOT in labor. :) My fifth child and I still don't know???
I had an appointment on Thursday morning. I was dilated to a 4, 50% effaced. She thought I would have that baby any time. I told her I'd see her next week.
That night Jason and I went to dinner and had Farrah come babysit. I was getting some pretty strong contractions at dinner and decided against dessert. That's when I knew I was in labor. :) Dinner was AWESOME by the way. The Prickley Pear on Main Street. I loved it. Mmmmm!! I had fajitas which is funny since that was my last meal I ate before Jackson was born.
We went home, put the kids to bed and I laid down. Jason kept telling me we should go to the hospital, but I didn't want to be sent home again so I kept trying to wait it out. I ended up calling Michelle again because the pain was getting worse, and every 3 minutes. My labors tend to go fast and the fear of missing out on the epidural was too much!!
Michelle came over and we headed out. They checked me in triage and said they wanted to keep monitoring me for another 1-2 hours. Within 45 minutes I insisted they check me and get me some medicine. I was admitted.
We got to my room, around 1:30am, and the IV specialists came in. I was paranoid about getting the IV. I cried. And kept telling the nurses, "I'm not ready." They were really patient with me. But finally just did it. It hurt. Then I had a small fainting episode. But that's nothing new. I have never had a baby without at least one major pass out.
I got my epidural right after the IV. Heaven. They did some sort of sensory test on me with a toothpick and that's when the big pass out happened. Maybe it reminded me of a needle? I don't know. But the next thing I new everyone was yelling my name and an oxygen mask was suctioned to my face. Except it was the smallest mask in the world and was pinching all my cheek fat. Rude. My heart rate dropped to 35 and after several minutes I was able to keep my eyes open. Barely. This was around 3am.
I fell asleep a little later, only to wake up to some MAJOR itching. ALL over my body. It was the meds in the epidural and I wanted to claw my skin off. They gave me some Benadryl in my IV and was OUT. Within seconds. Around 4:30am.
Then the midwife came in to check me. She broke my water and warned me of the pressure I would start to feel. She was right. This was at 5:30am. I called her back in the room at 6:15am DYING to push. She was casually getting some things out and I said, "She's coming!!! Now!!" Anne, the midwife sat on the end of the bed and out came Kate. I pushed for a total of 7 minutes. It was fast. And it hurt. But at least she is here and I am NOT pregnant. That's the best news yet. That and having a healthy, beautiful, perfect, little baby girl.
Kate came out screaming. Literally. Her hand was stuck up by her ear and gave herself a little bruise. Maybe it hurt her. But whatever it was, she was mad. I was still pretty exhausted from the Benadryl so Jason ended up holding her for awhile. She nursed right away. . . and did great. Then she didn't eat again for 13 more hours. Which was fine by me. :)
The pediatricians came in , checked her and she ended up needing some extra tests for turning blue. She is still doing it, but her test were normal so I assume it will pass. The hospital here only lets you stay for 24 hours so it was a fast time in the hospital. But I was glad to leave. They don't take your baby to the nursery so I'd rather be at home anyway. Lame hospital.
(I had to get a picture of the 2 pediatricians checking her out. She ended up pooping for them, then peeing all over. And it took both men to get her put back together).
Kate has already made a major impact on my heart. I love everything about her. And I am so happy she is here. Now to get some sleep. I miss that already.
Oh, Jana, I'm so happy you didn't have to wait until the 22nd to have her. Glad she wanted out. Is she your smallest baby? 8lbs. 4oz. seems small for you.
You make me laugh with your fainting spells and all. Same old Jana right? Well, sounds like things went smoothly. Hope you're feeling okay. That last picture of Carson and Kate is crazy! Carson is still so small! I was holding a baby last night, and Laine was NOT happy about it. Good luck with that! Congrats!
Now hopefully you'll get good news about a house!
Congrats Smythe Fam! Love the name Kate, such a classic. I didn't forget about your request. Hopefully I can get those made and sent out to you.
Oh, she is so beautiful, I love the squishy little face, and I think her hair looks fairer than Ellie when she was a newborn, right? I am glad that everything went well and pretty fast for you and I hope the recovery is fast for you, too.
And Carson looks like such a proud big brother. Sooooo cute!
Now get some sleep.
ps, I was thinking of a way to next day you cinnamon rolls, but I jsut didn't think they would be any sort good that way. Hopefully someone else there is baking you yummy treats, because that helps with recovery.
welcome baby kate!!! she is darling! i can't wait to meet her and give her kisses! i love the picture of carson and kate- those 2 are going to be buddies for sure.
So happy for you guys! What a little cutie Kate is. I'm glad everything ended up okay, sounds like a nerve racking delivery. I still clearly remember visiting you in the hospital when you had sweet little, that seems like yesterday! Get some rest girl~ you deserve it!
she's so perfect. a little miss Jackson for sure. I love that the mask was pinching your cheeks, LOL you're too funny. I'm really glad everything went so well & that you didn't have to wait another week.
Yay! I'm glad Kate is here and you're both doing well. She is gorgeous, which isn't a surprise since all your kids are adorable:)
Very entertaining labor story too! Its funny how I never get sick of hearing them. Hope you're getting some rest now that you're home.
Congrats on your #10. Okay, maybe it's only 5 but I can't keep up with you guys. I'm really happy for you and your fam. She's a cutie.
Jana, you have some of the most crazy L&D stories of anyone I know!! This one does not disappoint! Wow! You amaze me to no end. Congratulations to all your family. I hope your recovery is fast and that life adjusts quickly. She is beautiful!!
Yeah! Congrats! Are you sure she wasn't 5 lbs 9 oz? Classic. Glad everything went well!
Awwww, congrats Jana! She is a little beauty and I love her name. Very classic and very beautiful. I still can't believe you have FIVE kids!?!? I'm so happy for you and your precious family. Enjoy!
congrats jana!:) she is so cute. and i love the pic of her and carson together at the bottom! :)
Congratulations you guys! She is such a doll baby, and they all have that same Smythe look. She makes Carson look so grown up. They are all so freakin cute...when are you having another one? heehee...just thought I would throw that in, I have never had someone not ask that within days of having a baby...Oh, and I LOVE the name :)
oh Adorable! She is SUCH a little Jackson baby! I so wish I was there to see her in person. Good job again, you are a labor champ!
Congratulations Jana! That was the funniest story, I loved reading every word of it. Little Kate is gorgeous and I'm really happy for you -- you have an awesome little family!
that picture of her and carson is too much, i think you are going to motivate everyone to have babies 14 months apart to have some of that cuteness in their lives too. Because it's all fun and games and not any work right? :) I love your "5th baby and I can't tell when I'm in labor" statement! Now go enjoy not being pregnant!!! I can't wait to meet her.
Congrats!! She's beautiful... just like the rest of them. 5 babies. I LOVE it! I can't wait to see more pictures and hear how everyone's adjusting.
Hooray for Baby Kate. Our #3 is a Cate (but with a "C") I hope you are feeling well. You look fabulous in your picture!
Congratulations! She does look like Jackson - 5 kids - WOW, you're awesome!!!
So you're coming to Pittsburgh as soon as your mom leaves so we can meet her and take care of you, right?! Great story- it just helps me to know I'm glad I'm done!! She is so precious and now Carson looks so big. I miss you. It doesn't seem right that you're not here with your newborns- boo hoo. Enjoy the moment.
I love your details....
What a woman! I hope that your adjustment to f i v e kiddos goes well.
Please keep us posted!
She is adorable.
congrats! I do think that pic of the two MEN trying to figure her out is pretty funny! Hope you get that rest you're looking for! Enjoy that beautiful baby!
Congratulations! She's precious. And, is definitley one of your children--adorable!
Hope you're doing well and squeezing some sleep in. I seriously am so amazed by you. How do you do it? You inspire me.
YEAH!!!!!!!!! So happy for you and cracking up with the fainting... Funny you do it every time! HAHA.
Congratulations Jana!!! She is beautiful and I both of our girls have the same names. Ellie and our baby is Katey, (so I guess on the exact same). But, you do look fabulous already and I still can't believe this is number 5!!! You are incredible!!! What a wonderful Mother's Day gift. Talk to you later.
Andrea (Zwick) Fredric
She is beautiful Jana. Congrats!!!
What a beautiful babe! Congratulations!
Kate is so adorable!!! And Geez! I can't believe you passed out twice and then the whole itching thing? Why even get the epidural? What a PAIN! So did they check your Ta-ta's the next day or is that just a Laura thing? :)
Anyway, I agree with Debi, you should come back to Pittsburgh again soon. I already went out to Utah at the beginning of this month so I missed you and I was super bummed. Good luck with everything, Kate is adorable!
I can't belive I'm late to post on this! Congratulations! what a beautiful and healthy little girl!! And Kate is a good choice. Epidurals are great if they get it right the first time:) I to was bummed that my hospital didn't take babies to the nursery. They told me it's what most hospitals are doing now. Where are you guys moving to?
Congrats! So glad you're okay, that sounded a little scary on your end.
Wow Jana...congratulations she is beautiful. An Elle mini me? Didn't you just give birth to Carson? Do you need a "K" for her door?
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