Sunday, June 6, 2010

You were wrong!

Noah just came in my bedroom after JUST waking up and says, "Where's mom?!"

I said, "I'm in here." (The bathroom. Doing my make-up. Just to clarify).

He comes in holding a Spider man figurine and says, "See, you were wrong!!!!"

I said, "Oh yep. Good job Noah!"

He was referring to the position of Spider mans fingers when "webbing" someone. Noah always held his fingers in the Sign Language form of "I love you" (thumb out too) and I thought it was wrong. I thought to "web" someone your thumb had to be in. Silly mommy. And I think it was probably close to a year ago that I ever talked about it. Noah was really ready to catch me being wrong. :)

He walked out of my bathroom, turned his head and said, "SEE!! You DON'T know everything!!!!!"

I beg to differ!!!


Rachel said...

HAHA. I love that last minute interjection that you dont know everything. He's so cute. I'm really excited for you guys to be close!!

wackywilsons said...

seriously...our boys have attitudes sometimes! My boys are constantly challenging me and making me think twice about whatever I say.

Good things mom's are always right no matter what.

Libby said...

that is hilarious! oh i love noah! and did you go to church today?!

Brooklet said...

Oh NOah! I love that he remembered this for months to prove you wrong, and his little bit of attitude! (its actually the same thing I always do to Cody!).

Today as I drove to church I passed a sign that said "congratulations, Claire and Noah." And I thought, oh that goes cute together. Claire needs to marry a Noah. And even though your noah is a younger man, boy is he sharp and well-informed about super heros. Right up Claire's alley!

Kimberly said...

That's funny... he sure did tell you:)

Will & Cheyenne said...

Kate has such chubby cheeks!!! I love it! Congrats!

Kimo said...

Tee Hee Hee!

Janie said...

If he's been looking for you to be wrong and it's taken him over a year to find something--Wow! It only takes Abby about 30 seconds to prove me wrong!

jared & amber said...

Nice, sounds like you met your match!

You all ready for your move? Did you finalize your home?

Pitcherpost said...

it probably is just the first of many times your kids will try and tell you you're wrong! They'll soon realize that's impossible :)

Unknown said...

hoola elder smythe le mandamos saludos desde ambato-ecuador pasamos dias buscandolo hasta que lo encontramos somos la familia Ruiz , estos son nuestros nombres

Unknown said...

hoola elder smythe le mandamos saludos desde ambato-ecuador pasamos dias buscandolo hasta que lo encontramos somos la familia Ruiz , estos son nuestros nombres