I actually have thought about updating my blog SEVERAL times now. But am constantly thinking where to begin. Should I start where I left off? No. Too many things have happened. Should I start where I am now? No. Too many things have changed. So, here it is. Mainly for my own O.C.D and peace of mind.
April 28th. We closed on our home. Sad. But a good thing. (Although the new owners took our playground down and I could kill them for that. They specifically asked me if we were leaving it because they wanted it. They are going to get what's coming to them soon!!!)
April 29th: We made the big move to Ann Arbor. Libby Miracle came with me since Jason had to stay in Pittsburgh and work. We had a great time together. Love you Libby!! And we had a last lunch with all the girls from Pitt. I miss you all TERRIBLY!!!!
May 6th: Jocelyn and her twin boys come to visit. She gets sick and so we can't do much. But with 6 kids, that's to be expected. . . healthy or not.
May 10th: We all fly home to Salt Lake City. Flying with 4 kids and only one of their parents is not something I recommend. But highly worth it to see family. The trip was so fun. I loved it all. One day I will live closer to them and see them much more frequently. Can't wait!!
June 5th: Flew home (Ann Arbor for those of you wondering where my home actually is) by myself with the kids. It was a nightmare. My kids were great, but there was confusion with the flight taking off in SLC being delayed and my connection not waiting so I would miss my flight to Detroit. I went back to the check in and got all my bags. My mom and dad came to get me and the kids in the cars. And now, the connection was going to wait and I got the pleasure of going through security all by myself again. Lucky lucky me. We made the flight, the kids were wonderful and I was so glad to see my long last husband.
While in Utah, I got to go see my nephews big red carpet event in Boise, Idaho for the Make a Wish Foundation. It was SPECTACULAR!!!! Mitch, my 12 year old nephew has Spinal Muscular Atrophy and is such an amazing guy. He asked to make a movie and did a spoof on Star Wars. It was hilarious. All he cousins got to ride in a Limo and the whole night was just so memorable. And I am sure extremely magical for Mitch and his family. I wouldn't have missed that night for the world. I love you Mitch!!! You really are one of the greatest examples for my boys.
Jason was able to live in Pittsburgh with a fellow residents mother. Her home is huge and she was so kind and generous to share it with Jason and our family while we were there. The kids had the best time having sleepovers with Daddy and getting to go swimming every day. I liked letting the kids go have sleepovers too. Three less kidos to take care of felt pretty great. :)
And during these last few months of craziness for us, Ellie lost all her sleep habits. Starting back when she stayed with her grandparents in Oregon and was allowed to sleep in a bed every night up until yesterday when we regressed BACK to the crib. I have never had a child with poor sleep habits. Never. I have just been lucky. So dealing with Ellie was making me insane. She was getting out of her bed every night and coming into ours. And I HATE having children in the bed with me. Not only does it interrupt my sleep, but theirs as well and that isn't how we are made to get our rest. (I am getting off my soap box now). So, we ordered a crib tent and let the fun begin yesterday. And let me just say. . . Ellie is BACK!!!! She took her normal 3 hours nap yesterday, and slept over 12 hours last night. I should say, she has yet to be happy about getting in a crib, but that's just tough!!! See, now I can update my blog because I am not dealing with a 2 year old thinking she can be her own boss and never go to bed. Really, it was getting out of control with her sleeping. How do some moms live like that? I am guessing they barely are. That pic of Ellie sleeping is because she refused to take nap and ended up falling asleep in the kitchen floor for over an hour. Nice.
So, I know that seemed pretty boring, but I had to get it off my chest. And let me tell you, I left PLENTY out. I know how you all love to read every last detail of my super exciting life. My new goal is to get back into updating my blog. Whether I have anything to say or not. Because let's face it, when don't I have anything to say? :)
This post was meant to be short. :)