Sunday, July 1, 2007

What a trip!

We are back! Last Thursday we headed out for Niagara Falls and Palmyra, NY. And not a bad drive. It went quick. Noah had a few melt downs, but that was to be expected. We know our Noah. So, we left on Thursday, got to the hotel pretty late and hit the bed. Jason and I were exhausted, but Noah was full of energy. When we finally did turn the lights out, Noah said in such a sincere voice, "Monster!?" So funny. We have Aunt Jocey to thank for that. She told the boys of a monster that is living in our house by the name of Skittles. And Noah is fixed on it. Aunt Jocey came up with it in means to stop a tantrum that Noah was throwing. And it worked. Although now he is truly scared. Now we are working on forgetting about scary Skittles. So, we woke up and headed to Niagara Falls, the Canadian side. It was great. Just a side note . . . Jason proposed to me in Niagara Falls almost 5 years ago to the day. Ahhh!!! The boys loved the falls. And especially running through the sprinklers. We could have done that for free at home. After a long day of walking and playing at the falls, we went to the cutest and most quaint town called Niagara on the Lake. For any of you looking for a get away to a secluded place with delicious restaurants and adorable bed and breakfasts. . this is the place. I couldn't get enough of it. And I am sure the food was wonderful. Unfortunately, we had our boys with us to remind us that we don't get to eat at places like that anymore. Did we ever? We did have some great ice cream and B.L.T.'s. Mmmmmm!!!! After dreaming of what it might be like one day to enjoy a place like this, on the lake, reading a book, we went back to where we belong. Where we are treated like cattle. We all went swimming. And for the first time Noah was fearless of the water. It was fun, even though I am still a bit grossed out by indoor pools. Something about them makes me feel all dirty and covered in mildew. The windows are always so cloudy and wet. Ewww sick. After swimming, we ordered pizza in the hotel and ate it up! (no plates, napkins or cups). It was some of the best pizza I have ever had. And. . . BEDTIME!!! The next day we went to Palmyra and that was a really neat experience. Neither of us had ever been there so we both really enjoyed it. I got to spend some quiet time in the Sacred Grove while Jason and the boys walked ahead. I couldn't help but think of my mission and all the times I testified of that experience that Joseph had. Not to get all churchy. . . but it was surreal. There is a peace there like that of the temple. After Palmyra and all the sites, we went to have some dinner and back to the hotel. We got ready for bed and then Jackson and I went out for some doughnuts. Sunday we woke up, had breakfast and headed home. It was a great trip.
Here are a few choice moments that I will never forget:

Jackson said to me, while sitting in the car waiting to go through the border of Canada and the USA, "Mommy, why is your stomach still so big?"
OUCH!!!!! the "real" diet started this morning.

Noah said out of the blue, while pointing to my face, "Boo boo. Ohhhh. . . "
yes, my face gets the occasional zit.

There were more, but I feel like that is enough for me to hold onto. :) Out of the mouth of babes!!!!


Jocelyn said...

Skittles is NOT a scary monster! He's a friendly tiny one who likes to show up when Noah screams. I got a good laugh. I miss you guys now! Boo.

Carly said...

I love that stroller picture ha, ha! Oh and what a sweet photo of little Ellie sleeping. So cute. Sounds like you guys had a crazy fun time. Love Niagara and Palmyra and glad we got to see them before we moved. I heard you are coming here soon. Party!

emily said...

Oh I just loved all the pictures. You look FABULOUS, buy the way. Ellie is a doll. And Noah and Jackson are way cute too. What a fun trip for you guys. Marty and I went up to Niagra about 4 years ago. It was absolutely beautiful. Did you do Maid of the Mist?

emily said...

Oh I just loved all the pictures. You look FABULOUS, buy the way. Ellie is a doll. And Noah and Jackson are way cute too. What a fun trip for you guys. Marty and I went up to Niagra about 4 years ago. It was absolutely beautiful. Did you do Maid of the Mist?

Tanya said...

Wow, you are brave. I can't imagine loading my car with three kids and all our stuff. Although I'll have to do it at the end of this month. I loved all the pics!

Sandy said...

You always make me laugh so hard!! Jackson's comment is comparable to Mayah's a few months ago when I was only 2 months pregnant and she said "Wow the baby's already getting really big in there, huh?" Gotta love 'em. I loved all he pictures, your family is soooo adorable :-)

Jess said...

I was so excited today to hear you had a blog:) I'm really a blog addict these days. Anyhow I was thinking about you since I just found out one of my missionary is getting married in a few week. Totally siked about going to the wedding. Anyhow I was thinking about you and regretting the fact that I lost your info yet again then someone mentioned to me today you had a blog.

Love the pictures by the way. So glad you finally got your little girl!

wackywilsons said...

Isn't it great what a picture can capture that real life doesn't! I loved the birdie finger that Jackson threw in there...very classic of a toddler!

You look beautiful!!!

Trimbles said...

Hey Jana... of course I remember you! I look at your blog all the time (Im spying) ;) Im glad you found ours. So I have to say, this is my favorite pic on your whole blog. I was like, ah, what a cute picture till I made it bigger and saw he was flipping us off!!! HAHAHAAA... Then I thought, Oh, his mama probably taught him that! Because I cant imagine your so nice hubby teaching him that. HAHAHAA. Yeah, Christopher is really liking radiology. He's so techy and it has all the medicine stuff he likes. He's worked with several radiologists and is helping write a book right now too in it. And he'll be getting his MBA between 3rd and 4th year so I think there may be more then just radiology, like some sort of techy business that has to do with radiology... who knows... Im glad Jason likes it though and you guys are doing so well. 3 nenes...estas loca! Y bueno, eso ya sabia yo. ;) Haha... keep in touch!--Suzette