Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Anyone who knows me at all knows that when it comes to being home alone, (which is quite often) I am extremely scared that someone is going to break into my home and either kill me or rape me. I know, too graphic. But it is the truth. I am terrified of it. In fact, I have given up on watching Law and Order all together.

So, tonight I made my first "911 Emergency" call. I am still pretty shaky and worried about someone coming in my home while we are all asleep, but the police are gone now and I feel a little more secure.

Apparently, there was no one in the home. I heard something. And I even went downstairs to check things out. On my way back upstairs I grabbed a butchers knife just in case. Then I heard it again. Someone was jiggling my basement door. I opened the window to see if it was the rain or wind. But nothing. And I heard it again. I was freaking out. I picked up my phone and dialed 911. The police were here within 2 minutes. If that. And there were tons of them. Probably 8. It was a feeling or relief when I saw them all speed into my street and give my home a throrough check. They found nothing. They went in all the rooms and checked on my kids. I was trying to stay relaxed, but I was so worried about someone getting to my children that I had no choice but to call the police. When I saw them sleeping in their beds, oblivious to what was going on in their rooms I felt so thankful that they were sleeping in peace and that I have been so blessed to have them. They are my life. The thought of someone hurting them sends my mind flying with revenge. The police shined their lights all through their rooms. Everything was fine.

Now that they are gone, I am scared again. If I can just make it until 6am. That to me, for some reason is a safer time. :) People are waking up and I don't feel so alone.

Does anyone else live in this fear that I live in? I have seriously wanted to own a gun, but Jason is NOT comfortable with me having a gun when he isn't home or with the kids around. So, mace it is. A friend of ours swears by it. I am weary of it, but it is better than keeping a butchers knife by the side of my bed. :)

So, it is 4am. Two more hours to go. This might sound a bit psycho to most people. But I just couldn't risk it. Most nights that Jason is gone, I sleep very little. But I have never actually called 911. Tonight, I heard something. And I heard it more than once. My mind wasn't playing tricks. I was wide awake. Whatever it was, it scared the CRAP out of me. Now, I am going to try and sleep a little. Or blog. :)


Lisa said...

You poor thing! You know what works better than a gun, knife or even mace and is 100 times safer?! A dog! I'm not just saying that because I'm an animal lover. In a survey of over 300 convicted burglars (Jack MacLean - "Secrets of a Superthief") 95% said that a dog would scare them away! (Had to name my source because I know you're aware that I somtimes make up stats). : )

Jocelyn said...

Scary! I would be freaking out too. I wonder what in the world was making that noise. I think you should maybe consider Lisa's comment and think about a dog (even though I know you won't). But seriously I have heard the same thing she wrote. You would probably feel a lot safer with a dog there to protect you. And as a bonus, your kids would love their pet!

emily said...

I am TOTALLY with you on this. And I am SO sorry this happened to you. I think I would have had a heart attack. Seriously. Good choice calling the police.

I can't remember the last time I went to bed without being scared (when Marty isn't home, which is every night). I know it's totally irrational, but I am completely terrified. The mace thing isn't a bad idea. Do you guys have an alarm system too?

P.S. feel free to call me any night when you are scared...chances are really good that i'm up checking my apartment for intruders :-)

Tanya said...

Get a security system, TODAY! Have it attached to every door and window in your house. They can also put a small flashing red light on the doors (like the ones in cars). I think we will get one soon as well. And, WTH is Lisa doing reading Secrets of a Superthief!

Gina said...

Scary Jana! I am so glad that you just made the call since it brought you some piece of mind. I would be scared if Nate worked nights too. I don't think you are crazy! I am a mace girl too. If I am out at night I totally keep it in my hand with my thumb on the trigger! Better safe than sorry. Hopefully you are feeling more relaxed today. Call me if you want to chat to get your mind off it!

Pitcherpost said...

I don't know how you do it. Not that it's any comfort, but I have those same fears, I just don't have to face being alone at night very often. I am the worst about being terrifed when I'm home alone. In fact, if Zach ever goes out of town, I'm staying with Debbie. It's comforting to know that the police respond so quickly. If there was anyone there, they won't try that again. Did you check out your backyard today? I banned Law and Order and all crime shows years ago(cold case, CSI, without a trace, close to home - why are there so many? let's just give the sickos more ideas). I just feel sick after watching them.

One of the first things I'm getting when Zach actually earns money is a super expensive hightech security system, with a panic button right by my bed.

We should all get a huge house together so no one has to stay alone ever!

Michele said...

Oh Jana I totally feel for you girl! I do the same thing...I could tell you stories about the things I have done to feel safe but you might think me a little more psycho than I want people to know but I have called 911 too...have a dog and had a security system. I still lay awake at night terrified when Cory is away.

Arah Debra said...

You poor girl! I can totally relate. I'm really good at freaking my self out when I'm home alone. Which thankfully isn't too often. I say do all three. Get mace, get a dog, and get an alarm system. I would totally get a dog if Steve wasn't a dog hater.

Jana said...

That is my problem. I am a little bit of a dog hater. I don't like the fact that they go poop outside and then come inside and haven't had their bums wiped. That is SICK to me. And putting Ellie on the floor to play and roll around. I am barfing.

Rachel said...

scary!!! I am totally paranoid about somebody breaking in. In fact, my brother in law is staying here for a few days and today he just left the house and didnt lock the door behind him. I didnt even know he was gone till i came downstairs and I was pissed and scared that in the 10 minutes or so I was unaware, somebody came in. I think you should get a dog for sure. a boxer or something. short hair, big enough to scare a robber. think about it.

Jill said...

Jana-don't cave on the dog thing! Just get a security system or a live in man (not that they're any better-when I hear things at night, I'm the one to get up and check-Bob just ignores it and says it's nothing. Seriously though, scary! But isn't dialing 911 a little exhilirating!

Brooklet said...

I always have dreams that I am trying to dial 911 and I keep hitting the wrong numbers. ITs going to happen to me in a real emergency, I know it.

That is completely scary- I bet your heart was racing a hundred times a minute. I really hope it was just the wind. Its so scary to think of the alternative.

I would go for the alarm before i would go for the dog. I know dogs are the most effective, but the alarm seems like a lot easier to feed and take care of. and viva la mace.

Amy said...

That sounds so scary! You should not feel weird about calling 911. When in doubt...just do it! Glad everything is alright, I don't even want to think of the alternative. I freaked Mike out the other night in a similar way and he was scared and he's a big tough guy.

Cara said...

So I'm lurking around blogs...avoiding putting the kids down. :) I know I'll be paying for it. Oh well.

So I had no idea so many people get freaked out about being alone. And that so many people carry around mace! That's nuts. I have to admit that I don't freak out much anymore. I used to though. And it's kind of weird that I don't get way worried because I've had scary stuff happen a guy broke into our house when I was a kid and my dad chased him out with a baseball bat. And my mom and I were robbed by a guy with a machete when I was about 10 or so. You'd think I'd be traumatized. Keep in mind though, that I lived in the Caribbean when both of those happened. The states are much safer, right? :)

So I hope somehow it was the wind, even though it wasn't windy. Especially because I live a block away! If you ever need help, even at 3 am, give us a call! :)

Krissy Lowe said...

That is so scary...just like you I never get used to sleeping alone. I am so glad brent doesn't travel anymore. I totally agree with you about the dog thing-I would never get a dog. I used to sleep with Brent's golf club in the bed with me and all the kids in my room with the door locked. call me soon- we need to catch up

Jennifer said...

I am freaking out for you. YIKES! Todd is almost never gone at night, but if he is, I too am paranoid. I leave tons of lights on and keep all the doors to my kids rooms wide open. We don't have our security system hooked up, it's in place, but we haven't paid to have it working yet. I think just having the sign out front and on my window makes me feel safer, even if it's a bluff. Chances are the intruder will move on to the house without the sign and avoid taking a risk. I totally know what you mean about your kids too, sometimes I get so worked up in my head about someone coming into my house and kidnapping them that I have to pray like crazy and then go watch some fruffy movie to get my mind off of it. I remember one time Madison told me she saw Jesus in her room, I was like WHAT! Not in a sweet way, but in an ELizabeth Smart kind of way. Needless to say I check my house thoroughly each night before retiring. I too would get a dog if I didn't have to ever let it in the house except at night to sleep. I live in a shoebox with no yard to that's not going to happen anytime soon. well, I guess I should end this novel. Good Luck in the nights to come, and don't worry about calling 911, that's what they are there for! BYW, what did Jason say about all this?

Megan said...

Agh!!! SCARY!!!! Okay, it looks like i am the only one that is pro-gun. Maybe that's because Rob's a cop, but seriously, a nice compact glock 27 would probably make you feel a lot better. And you can shoot someone with a gun from a lot farther away than you can get them with mace or a knife. Do you really want an intruder close enough to you to get them with a wimpy mace canister?? NO! Scary!!!! My dogs and the security system are enough for me, but my next step would definitely be a gun. I was wondering why you are always online so late at night.....

Megan said...

LOL I didn't realize it would say that Addison left that post. OOPS.

Kari said...

Jana, we have a dog and a security system and we STILL want a gun. Crime in Las Vegas is a joke - there's a shooting every day and lots of crime. Gareth and I have seriously talked about buying a gun and then taking classes to learn how to use it. There have been several burglaries here where the homeowner has shot the burglar. Desperate times call for desperate measures and I'm not one to let someone come in my home and scare or harm my family. I totally agree with you and think it's something you should consider, especially if you don't want a dog! :)