Tuesday, January 29, 2008

In Memory Of. . .

Yesterday a friend of mine called to tell me that President Hinckley had passed away. I was very sad to hear the news, but also so thankful that he is now back with his wonderful companion. It seems he has long awaited his reunion with her. I know he is in the better place. But I will miss him. He was a great inspiration to me as a missionary 6 years ago and an even bigger one as a mother. His counsel and testimony gave me strength and has guided me when I most needed it. It would be impossible to forget the missionary he was.

I met the Prophet twice in my life. And each time he was sincere with me, kind and gentle. Much like the Savior would be. I will never forget the wonderful things he did as our leader, a husband and father. I will miss him greatly, but I am so very grateful to know that he is where he belongs now and that one day we can see him again. And most likely he will make me laugh as he always did.


Pitcherpost said...

What a way to go - knowing you lived a long, full, righteous life, with no regrets or fear, but looking forward to what's to come! Ever since his wife died, I have looked forward to them being reunited, I hated to see hime without her. And he has earned a break.

Megan said...

That is a great way to look at it. But I will miss him. I love the picture you found too. I want to order it for the house...where i can get it?

Jess said...

Thank you for putting in words what I was thinking.

Jess said...

Thank you for putting in words what I was thinking.

Brooklet said...

I am happy for him. He will be missed, but he did a wonderful job, will continue to be an inspiration, and deserves all the happiness I am sure he is feeling.

Krissy Lowe said...

Jana, thanks for that, I feel the same way. Brent and I still laugh though when you met Pres. Hinckley..."Girls". :) Anyway. Have a good day.