Friday, April 25, 2008

Bad bad news.

I am just going to put it out there.

Ellie has a black tooth. As in. . . a dead tooth. How did it happen? I have no clue. But a few days ago I was looking at her teeth and noticed that one was a little "less white" then the other. So I brushed them. Then last night on my way out the door I saw it.

Jason was holding her and I went to give her a little kiss goodbye and she opened her beautiful mouth and I saw her little black tooth. I freaked. (Do any of you watch "John and Kate Plus 8" because I remind myself of Kate a lot. Help me).

Jason sat down with her and checked it out and it is a for sure thing. That poor little tooth is a goner. WAAAA!!! I called my brother asap and when he didn't answer I didn't know where to turn!!! Doesn't anyone feel the pain I am feeling?

I drove to the gym and had some good comforting from Melanie, Brooke and Debi. Well, I don't know if it was "good" but they did listen. I was looking for someone to tell me how it is NO BIG DEAL and that no one would notice. But puh-lease. They aren't dumb. It really isn't a big deal, except for the fact that she is going to have that tooth or SIX MORE YEARS!!!! Lovely.

So, I got home from the gym, checked on Ellie, even thought about shining a light on her mouth to get a good look. (I was a bit rushed last night on my way out. And a little in shock). But I thought better of it and waited until this morning.

Still there.

I attempted taking a picture of it for the blog, but she was getting so mad at me pulling her lip up over and over again. I am sure she was thinking, "Geez Mom. Relax. It happened and you have already seen it now a dozen times so BACK OFF!!!" (I just do it because I love her. :)

And there it is. My first black tooth. I would have put my money on Noah having the first, but I can see that little Ellie is going to give him a run for it. She is still just as darling as ever and sweet as before. Instead of 4 white teeth, she now has 3.

Life goes on. Black tooth and all.


Anonymous said...

Sorry I didn't dole out better comforting - I admit, I'm probably the worst friend for that b/c I never know what to say! So here's me being honest, I know I'd be upset too b/c I wouldn't want anything to detract from my little girl, BUT... one little half dead tooth isn't going to cancel out her huge amount of cuteness and adorable personality. Plus, it's INSDIE her mouth, most people won't even notice it.

{Jason and Elan} said...

That is so strange. I wonder how that happened. You would think after bumping her tooth so hard, you would have heard her screaming. Poor baby!

Jana said...

You would think I would hear a screaming child. But has everyone had a chance to meet my 2 year old? I have mastered how to cancel all screaming in my mind. So Ellie screamed and I don't remember. :)And yes, it is IN her mouth. I know it isn't such a problem. But it is sad to have something like that happen to your baby.

Jennifer said...

Um, try no tooth at all. Gwen and I are dealing with that. I totally feel your saddness. I cried lots when Anna lost her tooth, but it adds to her cute and crazy personality having it gone. If it really bothers you, you could always have it pulled! J/K!!!

Jennifer said...

Oh, yeah, what the freak is wrong with the princess thing? Are you all too good for it. You should konw my girls are totally into the princess thing and I do indulge them. They are only going to be this little and love it for a short while and let me tell you, it's cute. SO boooo on all you anti princess stuff, you need to losen up and just chill out. My girls will be just as smart and well rounded as yours later in life, I garuntee it!

Libby said...

I will say it again...Ellie is SO beyond incredibly cute that no one will ever notice- promise! I was thinking about it last night and honestly thinking that even when she is older it wont be a big deal...bc she is way too cute- and dressed equally as cute.

Rachel said...

sad. I thought Noah would be your man for that too. especially when he fell in the gym at church in UT. If it makes you feel any better, Luke STILL does not have a lateral or canine on the top left. I have no idea if they will ever come in. AND, when he had his x-rays to check on them, Dan said #9 (the perm. tooth) is completely rotated and will come in looking like a fang. Serious ortho work to come. Be glad its just a black tooth.

McKelle said...

Ellie has a poop tooth (my term for black tooth)!! Everyone has given you some good supportive comments, so I'll be the one to make fun of her. Hahahaha. Just kidding. Ellie is cute enough to make up for it.

I'm pretty sure Gwens teeth are messed up. One of her front teeth started to grow in, then stopped. Now it's just a weird snaggle tooth. She got it from me...just remember my teeth in my 7th grade picture. Awesome!

Amy said...

Yes Jana, you have very supportive friends who all made great comments. I know I would freak out too. For a hygienest for a mom and a dentist for a dad, my children better have perfect teeth or I will blame it all on myself and have a complete meltdown. I will say it could be worse.

Rachel said...

I have been laughing inside all day because you said you didn't know where to turn when your brother didn't answer except you could have called any number of pediatric dentists you know really well, Tim, Jason, Barry is your neighbor right?? just thought I would remind you in case you have another kid dental emergency. your girls at the gym are probably not your best resource =)

Tanya said...

So, it's not a permanent thing, so don't waste your energy worrying now. I would only start to worry if it were permanent. None of the other kids will even notice, they are too young, and when they do start to notice, about 5, kids start losing their teeth for real then. Also, lol at Jen's comment. Tell her we bag on the princesses to get people like her all riled up :)

Gina said...

I hate when I read other people's comments first because now I feel like I have nothing to add :( I have seen Ellie twice since that happened and totally didn't notice. Sorry Nate was making her cry in church today. Kids are so funny sometimes!

wackywilsons said...

So........what's your personal opinion of how she got it?

too many sweets?
Bottle mouth?

Or...just a funky genetic thing?

Alesha said...

So random that I am commenting on your blog...I swear I dont blog stalk you just every once in a while. Anway this is Alesha, Gina's sister in law. When I saw this I had to tell you that I had a black tooth growing up. I was really excited when I lost it however I generally thought I was really cool, and I was still really cute! Ü She will be too! I will stop now so you dont have the longest comment from some stranger! Ü

Megan said...

ooh, poor sweet baby Ellie. But everyone is right, she totally won't care unless you make it a big deal. When she is bigger she will be able to tell Noah and Jack that it is magical and that they better watch out! Could she have hit her mouth when she took a tumble from the counter that time? sry long comment.

Linda said...

I was so sad to hear what happened to Ellie, but she is so darn cute that no one will notice. But I'm sure I would have panicked too if it happened to Natalie. Sorry.

Will & Cheyenne said...

I'm sure you are devastated, but it will come out anyway soon. I hear it has nothing to do with you are actually caring for the tooth, it just happens, to MANY people.
Sorry love!

Petra said...

I love that you watch Jon and Kate plus 8! I am a HUGE fan.

Ellie is so cute, don't worry about the tooth...her eyes can capture anyone's heart. No one will even notice...

Michele said...

Pleassse...I totally feel your pain...I paid a fortune for a cap for Dene...They had to use IV sedation and do a baby root canal and then a cap...She was barely 2. It wasn't black just almost dead. It is gone now and a new beautiful permanent tooth is in it's place but I totally freaked. I feel for you!

Brooklet said...

I don't think people will notice. Because when she smiles, its her sparkling eyes they are looking at, not her teeth.

Lisa said...

I'm sorry, but seriously I do want to say the it isn't a big deal. She's so cute no one will ever be looking at her teeth!

Radene said...

Sad. So where did you take her to have it pulled? What did you do? That would have surprised me too. Glad you can move on though...oh and hey by the way, you are looking good and skinny! Your pictures on Libby's blog were really photogenic! Yes, I'm not lying, you must be working out.