Monday, February 18, 2008

All sorts of "tags"

I have been tagged a few different times (Lisa, Jennifer, Adrienne) and I am finally getting around to doing it. Not that I haven't thought of it. I have. So here it goes. In order that I received them.

Lisa first.

  1. Pick up the book nearest you (at least 123 pages long)
  2. Go to page 123
  3. Find the fifth sentence on the page
  4. Type the next 3 sentences
  5. Tag 5 other people
This is from The Count of Monte Cristo. (Which I love love love!)
". . . an iron shield bearing a grotesque representation of the Pont du Gard. The little inn had been occupied for the last seven or eight years by no other than Dantes' old acquaintance Gaspard Caderousse. He was . . ."

Now the tag from Jennifer.

So you all know what to do:

10 Years ago...I was just finishing my first year of college at RICKS in Rexburg, Idaho. And loving it. It was one of the funnest times of my life. I was dating lots of lame boys, but having
fun and getting ready to do quite a bit of traveling abroad that summer to Israel and Europe. I also failed my first college course that year. :) Algebra 101. I didn't even take the final. But I did retake it the following semester and did a good job. Just relax mom. :) Needless to say, college was fun fun fun!

Things on my TO DO list..
1. Make dinner. (We are having leftovers so it should be easy)
2. Plan the ward party and the "linger longer" that is coming up.
3. Pick the basement up.
4. Plan FHE
5. Bake banana bread (I have too many bananas that are rotting)
6. Get little ones up from naps.
7. Fold mounds of laundry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8. Start reading North and South for book club.
9. Finish The Count of Monte Cristo
10. BLOG
11. Do about a million other items I don't have time for.

If I were suddenly a billionare...

First, I would pay off all our debt. Then I would take plenty of it and put it away for college funds. I would donate MUCH of it to cancer research for children. I would build my dream home and decorate it without being concerned with costs. I would take my parents on a trip of their choice. And lets get real, I would get a big diamond. I have to be true to myself too. :) For sure, I would go to Target and buy anything I wanted. Maybe buy the whole store. I have wanted to do that for a long time. :) And new clothes. Maybe this time not from Target.

3 Bad Habits:

1. I hate folding whites. Hate it!
2. I love cookies. I could eat them for all my meals. Some of you may not thing that is a bad habit. Let me assure you, it is. :)
3. I don't have a lot of patience.

3 places I have lived:

1. San Diego, CA
2. Argentina
3. Ann Arbor, MI
(I feel bad not including Utah too. I picked the three most different places.)

5 Jobs I have had:

1. Broiler Works (Mall food court) It didn't even last a full two weeks.
2. Lifetouch Portraits (secretary work and customer service)
3. Leslie's French Pastries (that was some yummy food)
4. Dental Assistant in Salt Lake City
5. Dental Assistant in South Lyon, Michigan

5 things people don't know about me:

I am a pretty open person. Not many secrets. But I will say that I am TERRIFIED of spiders. And getting my blood drawn. And I mean TERRIFIED. Those of you that know me know just how serious I am. I also get annoyed at slow drivers. Or when people won't just cross the yellow lines. I know that sounds super immature, but I am usually in a hurry and don't have time to drive 2 more blocks down the road to get to the light. Just make the turn and cross the lines. I guess I am also a risk taker. :) But I am scared of heights. And, I really want to take cooking classes.

Tag #3 This one is for Adrienne.

*What is his full name? Jason Jack Smythe

*How long have you been married? 5 1/2 years

*How long did you date? ummm, how to answer that? We met in the MTC and dated right when he got home. Engaged in 2 months. Married in another 2.

*Who eats more sweets? No question. I do.

*Who said I love you first? I think he did. But I am sure I wanted to.

*How old is he? 31

*Who is taller? Jason.

*Who is smarter? PUH-LEASE! Jason!!!! Refer back to "tag #2" when I failed algebra 101.

*Who can sing better? This time it is ME!

*Who does the laundry? I do it almost always, but he seems to always run out of scrubs in like 2 days. And then he takes a load down and does it. He does help me. But not at folding.

*Who pays the bills? Jason. I just get busted.

*Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? If we are in the bed, I am on the left. I want to be as far away from the door as possible. Refer back to my post about "911" :)

*Who mows the lawn? Jason does. No thanks.

*Who cooks dinner? Me! Me! Me! Jason did cook me dinner after I had Jackson. It was the day my mom flew back home and I was extremely emotional. Not because of the cooking. :)

*Who is more stubborn? For sure ME! Jason is a peace maker.

*Who kissed who first? Contrary to what some of you may think, Jason busted the moves on me on our first date. Oh yeah, shy little Jason. He seem pretty confident that night. And I liked it!

*Who asked who out? When Jason came home from his mission, I called him to say hi and welcome home. I left a message and he called me back. We talked for awhile and the next week he was traveling through SLC and asked me out.

*Who has more siblings? Jason. 1 brother and 3 sisters. I have 1 brother and 2 sisters.

*Who wears the pants? I want to say me. I am bossy. But I know where Jason stands and when to let him be the boss. But still, I like to have the final word. Even if it is only in my head. :)

There you all go. I am all tagged out. But I am glad I can cross that off my list. Now off to read my books.


McKelle said...

There was some funny stuff in that there post:D Broiler Works...I know you loved it. Didn't you work at Super Grinders at one point? haha Good laughs huh.

wackywilsons said...

Very interesting and thanks for keeing your word about tagging your info for all of us to read!

You are hilarious, especially when you write..."he said I love you first, but I am sure I wanted to."

Your to-do list sounds great...lots of things to always keep you busy! I admire your multi-tasking life:)

Michele said...

Too funny!! I feel like I know you a bit better...and a kinship...math is the bane of my existence.

Brooklet said...

You know the only reason you flunked algebra was because you always skipped it to make out. I assume that is why you missed the final.

Sorry that we messed up your basement and left without picking it up- I noticed it on your to-do list. Sorry!

Jason Smythe said...

It wasn't a mess from you guys. I am pretty sure my boys were down there too.

Pitcherpost said...

That reminds me, I got tagged with that same husband one, I've been putting it off b/c it seemed like a lot of writing, all about Zach, boring! Again, stop folding your dang underwear, you won't hate folding whites so much. Linger longer what? And is there a definite ward party planned? make sure it's not until midmarch so I can help!

Unknown said...

Way to go on the triple tag! Good stuff!

Jocelyn said...

Add this to your to do list: Get tickets to go to Austin.

That was tag overload... but fun to read!

Jen and Bryan said...

It's fun to hear about Jason. He sounds a lot like Bryan. I guess us redheads need that nice laid back personality. :)